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New project of the "13R" Development Group. Free table-top game of technomagical battle for survival "Slayfield"

Characters of the game are taken in the world of Slayfiled, mysterious plane, that brings to life their dreams and nightmares. Here each of them has a chance to meet both old friends and sworn enemies. And only few of them have hope to get away through the mystical Gates.

"Slayfield" is the game for two to six players. Each of them commands a group of several Slayers moving them on colorful hexagonal map. A Slayer is represented by a small miniature on the map and character sheet with his picture. The character sheet contains Slayer's Hit Locations, his Life, magic Power, actions, attacks and perks.

You can download game zip-pdf archive here (5 Mb). You will need Acrobat Reader 6.0 to read it.
